grad day!!! - 21/5/2009
the day is here again - GRAD DAY! hahahaha.. the last grad day i had was in ITE MacPherson, now it's still there. haha.. kenangan manis sey skola tu. "MAK! AZRI DA DAPAT CERT MAK!" that was the first thing that came out of mouth when i get to hold my cert. hoping that my mom can hear my shout all the way from macpherson to geylang bahru. hahahahahaha..
it was also great to meet all the friends that i knew from ite college central. da lama tk jumpa sorng2 ada yg da berubah. ada yg makin hansem, ada yg makin jambu, ada yg masih sama mcm aku. hahaha.. bezanya aku is rambot makin panjang bt perangai maseh sama. hahaha
so below are some pics. let's go see them! hoho
Carrie in a smart-mamat version:

cikgu aznijah. cikgu makin tembam dan tembam! this lady here has help us alot during lesson time. time kita pay attention n lost dia tlg, time tk pay attention n kita lost pn dia tlg. haha.. thx for guiding all of us cikgu! lu rock! \m/ hahahaha

fad, talissa's matair pn ada. lawa la camera ko fad. lupa lak aku nk try. haha

yeah! this are my closest friends during nitec. from left: lu ayy, philbert, dominick chan n ting fong. i knew ting fong during higher nitec as he's those three's classmates. haha. yi long nvr come on that day. shit! i'd really wanted to meet that ah beng sia. hahahaha

so after the grad we went to arab street coz some of us wanted to sisha. or isit sheesha??? or isit... nvrmind la. haha.. so here we are otw tgh jln. hoho.. coincidentally talissa n fad pn g zam zam da. n lissa said she shouted our names bt kita suma jln menonoh je. paiseh lissa! haha.. n lily join us during sisha. g grad malas, g sisha nk. tk paham aku. hahaha

aliman n rizal. peminat chelsea dan peminat man U standing side by side. hahaha

ar, lagi satu gmbr of naga woodland. HAHAHA

rizal n topo. eh salah, siti topo! HAHAHA!!! main2 je eh po. hahaha

after sisha we went to esplanade to hangout. all of us didn't want to go home early on that day. kalo boleh suma nk overnite tpi dgn baju2 smart tk best la. haha.. lain kali ya kawan2! ^__^

ar, ni 1 gmbr klaka punya. dipersilakan ya utk tgk n sorry if the pic is blur. take 1: aliman, topo, bani, rizal, me n kai

take 3: aliman, topo, rizal, me n kai. bani da penat. da klua frame. haha

take 8: aik? tk abis2 lagi???

so yeah, that's all for now. it was one of the BESTEST day of my life. mcm at last dpt jumpa korng suma. haha.. n below are pics of all of us. thanks to fad for helping us take the pics! \m/ n in this picture is in random order: topo, zul fadli, rizal, syah, edy, hilya, bani wana, yaqin, azmy, farhana, abidah, talissa, aliman n me, azridjokoloro! hahaha

it was also great to meet all the friends that i knew from ite college central. da lama tk jumpa sorng2 ada yg da berubah. ada yg makin hansem, ada yg makin jambu, ada yg masih sama mcm aku. hahaha.. bezanya aku is rambot makin panjang bt perangai maseh sama. hahaha
so below are some pics. let's go see them! hoho
Carrie in a smart-mamat version:
cikgu aznijah. cikgu makin tembam dan tembam! this lady here has help us alot during lesson time. time kita pay attention n lost dia tlg, time tk pay attention n kita lost pn dia tlg. haha.. thx for guiding all of us cikgu! lu rock! \m/ hahahaha
fad, talissa's matair pn ada. lawa la camera ko fad. lupa lak aku nk try. haha
yeah! this are my closest friends during nitec. from left: lu ayy, philbert, dominick chan n ting fong. i knew ting fong during higher nitec as he's those three's classmates. haha. yi long nvr come on that day. shit! i'd really wanted to meet that ah beng sia. hahahaha
me n talissa! jack n jill went to grad day to fetch a pail of certificate. k lissa if ko tgh baca cnfrm ko ckp "MEREPEK LAH AZRI! MEREPEK! MEREPEK!" haha
CarriE tgk sini!
so after the grad we went to arab street coz some of us wanted to sisha. or isit sheesha??? or isit... nvrmind la. haha.. so here we are otw tgh jln. hoho.. coincidentally talissa n fad pn g zam zam da. n lissa said she shouted our names bt kita suma jln menonoh je. paiseh lissa! haha.. n lily join us during sisha. g grad malas, g sisha nk. tk paham aku. hahaha
aliman n rizal. peminat chelsea dan peminat man U standing side by side. hahaha
ar, lagi satu gmbr of naga woodland. HAHAHA
rizal n topo. eh salah, siti topo! HAHAHA!!! main2 je eh po. hahaha
after sisha we went to esplanade to hangout. all of us didn't want to go home early on that day. kalo boleh suma nk overnite tpi dgn baju2 smart tk best la. haha.. lain kali ya kawan2! ^__^
so this are us who hangout at esplanade till 11+. there's lily, rizal, topo, bani, aliman, me n kai
ar, ni 1 gmbr klaka punya. dipersilakan ya utk tgk n sorry if the pic is blur. take 1: aliman, topo, bani, rizal, me n kai
take 3: aliman, topo, rizal, me n kai. bani da penat. da klua frame. haha
take 8: aik? tk abis2 lagi???
ar! habis pun! dua2 muka penat. n throughout all the way, kai was on the phone. haha
so yeah, that's all for now. it was one of the BESTEST day of my life. mcm at last dpt jumpa korng suma. haha.. n below are pics of all of us. thanks to fad for helping us take the pics! \m/ n in this picture is in random order: topo, zul fadli, rizal, syah, edy, hilya, bani wana, yaqin, azmy, farhana, abidah, talissa, aliman n me, azridjokoloro! hahaha
u guys rock n if i have one wish, i want every single one of my closest friends to stay in one neighbourhood with me so that we can meet each other everyday. kn best gitu da mcm kampung2 nya life. hahaha.. gonna miss the whole lot of u guys. tkp, maybe next week leh jumpa lagi. pape nk lepak mana2 jgn lupa page ya! btw, on the grad day was also the DEVIANTART WORLD TOUR!!! n they came to SINGAPORE kt Merlion Park next to the Merlion statue! n a 100+ SG deviantart members attended it. argh!!! why must it be on the day of my grad!!!!! haha.. tkpela, grad lagi gerek. haha.. ok, till then, tke good care everyone! \m/ hahaha
hand in hand we will walk aside each other,
be it in good times or bad (:
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