TUE, 7/4/09: it was a very busy week for me last week. on tue i accompanied talissa to novena as she wanted to go for an interview at the nike shop there. n blom apapa dia da salah tulis. the question on the paper was whether she wants to work part time or full time there n she wrote her name there instead of full time or part time. HAHAHA!!! apalah ko ni jill! blm apape da salah. hehe.. then we ate at kfc yg meal murah tu apa ntah namanya n she accompanied me to check out camera as my Baby Sony got spoil. ):
bt no worries i will repair her. sayang sey kat dia. da byk gmbr diambil olehnya. i won't forget her taking pics of me n my frens whether in rain or shine. rileks ya Baby Sony, nnti i da jumpa kedai yg boleh baikkan u i akan baikkan u. (:
so after idk where to go i met some budak2 batu at beats to watch mercenarian jamm. haha..
n later in the night i gt a msg frm bani stating dat azmy's dad has passed away. my condolescene to his family. stay strong tau azmy. we are here for u. everything happens for a reason. jgn sedih2 ok bro. (:
WED, 8/4/09: so the next day on wed we went melawat to his house bt when we reach drg da g ke kubur so we waited for azmy to come back. n it was good too azmy again. it's been so long ever since i last saw him as well some of my friends.
after melawat me n rizal met edy n dilah at wisma atria coz i want to buy a camera which i get! woohoo!!! fujifilm la dei. haha.. it was fun using her! n i shall call her Siti Fuji! haha.. n if i'd repair Baby Sony, i have two cameras already. wah!!! best2! sabar ya Baby Sony, i will repair u soon. (:
THU, 9/4/09: so on thursday edy ask me out to botanical garden as he had no idea on where to go after work n i'd wanted to try out Siti Fuji. so it was snapx11938193893882 all the way there. haha.. da lama tk g botanical garden. the last time i went there was in pri schl. haha.. lama pe. n the place is soooo peaceful! best! *thumbs up. haha.. n below are some pics taken by me. haha.. which basically suck la. i suck at alot of things. i'm only good at.... eating! hahahaha

nerdy me. haha.. i'm a nerd, seriously. \m/

this photo of the duck backside is dedicated to my twinny, nur amalina! as she said duck's pantat are cute mcm mazdanya boot. hahaha.. n i think oso coz she walk mcm duck. hehe.. main2 je ya twinny! xD

FRI, 10/4/09: watch the fast n furious 4 with edy n dilah. the show was AWESOME! those who've watch the first 3 movies shld watch this one too! haha.. we watch at Iluma, the new shopping centre at bugis there. the shopping centre is very boring la. haha.. bt singaporeans, u know la, new shopping centre onyl, all go. like the 3 of us. hahaha.. the tix cost $6 even though it was a public holiday which is good friday. cheap! cheap! cheap! haha.. n dilah got her lappy back! wah, da leh online lah adek! haha.. baik! \m/
SAT, 11/4/09: went to a punk rock gig with kai organise by jebat in the afternoon. haha.. basically we were there to help set up things la n masok pn free mah. haha.. halfway through the gig met scarlet n we chowed to go mkn. lapar beb! n aku pn tktau sgt lagu2 punk rock ni. so yeah. blah lagi best. haha.. n as fate is, we met kai phenomenon, kinder n dheelah at simlim. they were oso hungry so the 6 of us went to LJS at bugis to sapede!
kai slap, may n jebat
idk who's dis drummer bt dia mcm maut je. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! OK MEREPEK! i suck okie!
maan rosewood
n it was oso her guitarist, sheer, birthday on dat day. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA SHEER! haha.. i tink her name's sheer la. if salah, err... paiseh2. haha
n after scarlet's band had finish jamming, it was her friend's band pula yg jamm. haha.. it was nice knowing them n maut per diorng!!! an all girl band playing death metal. headbang jap aku kt dlm jamming room. n the drummer, ambik kau dia punya grind, laju!!! *attemps to make the grind sound tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak!!!! hahaha
ok, tkda keja! n budak sebelah aku tu da pekak. hahahaha!!!

bt no worries i will repair her. sayang sey kat dia. da byk gmbr diambil olehnya. i won't forget her taking pics of me n my frens whether in rain or shine. rileks ya Baby Sony, nnti i da jumpa kedai yg boleh baikkan u i akan baikkan u. (:
so after idk where to go i met some budak2 batu at beats to watch mercenarian jamm. haha..
n later in the night i gt a msg frm bani stating dat azmy's dad has passed away. my condolescene to his family. stay strong tau azmy. we are here for u. everything happens for a reason. jgn sedih2 ok bro. (:
WED, 8/4/09: so the next day on wed we went melawat to his house bt when we reach drg da g ke kubur so we waited for azmy to come back. n it was good too azmy again. it's been so long ever since i last saw him as well some of my friends.
after melawat me n rizal met edy n dilah at wisma atria coz i want to buy a camera which i get! woohoo!!! fujifilm la dei. haha.. it was fun using her! n i shall call her Siti Fuji! haha.. n if i'd repair Baby Sony, i have two cameras already. wah!!! best2! sabar ya Baby Sony, i will repair u soon. (:
THU, 9/4/09: so on thursday edy ask me out to botanical garden as he had no idea on where to go after work n i'd wanted to try out Siti Fuji. so it was snapx11938193893882 all the way there. haha.. da lama tk g botanical garden. the last time i went there was in pri schl. haha.. lama pe. n the place is soooo peaceful! best! *thumbs up. haha.. n below are some pics taken by me. haha.. which basically suck la. i suck at alot of things. i'm only good at.... eating! hahahaha
n later in the night we went to skate park to skate! lol. haha.. i cannot skate la, idk about edy. we went there to tke pics. there are also some photographers there to snap some nice shots. n below are some nt so nice shots by me. hahaha
SAT, 11/4/09: went to a punk rock gig with kai organise by jebat in the afternoon. haha.. basically we were there to help set up things la n masok pn free mah. haha.. halfway through the gig met scarlet n we chowed to go mkn. lapar beb! n aku pn tktau sgt lagu2 punk rock ni. so yeah. blah lagi best. haha.. n as fate is, we met kai phenomenon, kinder n dheelah at simlim. they were oso hungry so the 6 of us went to LJS at bugis to sapede!
later at night had jamming with krisis. haha.. i'm just a sessionist only. i hope they can get a permanent drummer a.s.a.p coz i'm afraid i had to go NS juz before their gig. bt if dpt masok NS after the gig, well, Alhamdulillah. why not have a last gig with them kn. they're a great bunch of musician n even a greater bunch of friends. (:
maan rosewood jamm with us for awhile coz he need to get back to work. so, enjoy this pics below ya. haha..
SUN, 12/4/09: went to scarlet's jamming session at fyewerks as i wanna see the drummer maut herself play the drum. n my gosh, scarlet, u play maut okays! hahaha.. suka na merendah diri. u can even grind which i can't. lu maut! lu maut! lu maut! n everytime i said dat to her she'll answer with a "SHUT UP!" in a very slang n mat salleh tk menjadi tone. hehe.. okay, cnfrm she'll feel like whacking me rite now. hahaha..
n it was oso her guitarist, sheer, birthday on dat day. so HAPPY BIRTHDAY YA SHEER! haha.. i tink her name's sheer la. if salah, err... paiseh2. haha
n after scarlet's band had finish jamming, it was her friend's band pula yg jamm. haha.. it was nice knowing them n maut per diorng!!! an all girl band playing death metal. headbang jap aku kt dlm jamming room. n the drummer, ambik kau dia punya grind, laju!!! *attemps to make the grind sound tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak-tak!!!! hahaha
n the cat at the jamming studio is super cute! she is super fat n super cute! FATCUTE! HAHAHAHAHA.. after jamming saw villain rebellion kt kedai kopi n wan frm rockvival was the one who shouted "AZRI!" haha.. ingtkn sapa je panggil aku. terperanjat boboi skejap. lol. xD
n today i went for session at tampines with CarriE. may also joined us bt for awhile only. da lama tk jamm ngn CarriE. so the gian sey. hahaha.. bila korng free ni!!!!!!!!!! it was fun getting back together again. although it was juz a session.
n while i was updating my blog as of right now, scarlet sent me an offline msg with a "woooiii." hahaha. i mean she is online bt i appear offline. haha.. sorry ya coz i won't be able to pass u e pics nari. i'm very the tired n i wanna go eat after dis. haha.. sorry byk2 drummer maut. hehe..
till then, thank you reading ya. gdnite! \m/
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