april fool's day is CarriE day!!! (:
1st april 2009 is CarriE's day! hahaha.. n pagi2 da kena april fool dgn syidah. mangkok btol uh tu budak! jaga ko syidah! next time klua siap ko! hehe.. it was also the day of the ite results n i got 2.609 gpa. weee!!! actually i was aiming for 3. tpi tkple, 2.6 da kira ok pe. haha.. bt alot of my frens was fedup with their marks. especially the attachment grades. can say it's nt fair la to some of them. bt wat to do, the schl mark like dat already. shit btol. aiyoyo. toyoyoyoyong!
in the afternoon CarriE met up at adilah's house as her internet has some problems. i was the 1st to reach her house. n like a computer pro (mcm paham pro! pro-gol ada uh! haha) i went straight to her laptop to check it. once i've landed my backside on the chair, i try to figure out the problem. but... me being me. i just stared at her lappy...

n stared...
n stared...
n stared...
until her mom ask "azri, camana dgn laptop dilah?" i answered "susah uh cik, saya pn tktau." HAHAHAHA!!! so waited for topo n edy to arrive while i still stared at dilah's lappy.
a few minutes later those two arrived n the 4 of us brainstorm on how to fix the problem. well, mostly those 3 brainstormed. i was busy playing with dilah's nephew. hahaha (it's actually a complicated problem so i oso dunno how to explain it here. peace!)
n dilah's nephew, afiee (i think that's his name) is so CUTE!!! cute gila uh! i carried him high to the air, play helicopter with him n powerbomb him on the cushion. suka sey dia. ketawa2. haha.. best2!!!

after: kuih pau in my mouth. hahahaha... xD

awhile later, we still could nt find the solution to dilah's lappy problem. susah sey! tgk sampai tk senonoh rambot topo n edy. stress sangat. HAHAHAHA!!!

so dilah said, "tkpela, hantar servis je. aku pn ada warranty." haha.. she didn't want to send for warranty in e 1st place coz it'll take about a week fr her lappy to be ok. bt we dun have any other choice so we need to go to wisma atria as that's where sony's repair place is. (:
in the afternoon CarriE met up at adilah's house as her internet has some problems. i was the 1st to reach her house. n like a computer pro (mcm paham pro! pro-gol ada uh! haha) i went straight to her laptop to check it. once i've landed my backside on the chair, i try to figure out the problem. but... me being me. i just stared at her lappy...
n stared...
n stared...
n stared...
until her mom ask "azri, camana dgn laptop dilah?" i answered "susah uh cik, saya pn tktau." HAHAHAHA!!! so waited for topo n edy to arrive while i still stared at dilah's lappy.
a few minutes later those two arrived n the 4 of us brainstorm on how to fix the problem. well, mostly those 3 brainstormed. i was busy playing with dilah's nephew. hahaha (it's actually a complicated problem so i oso dunno how to explain it here. peace!)
n dilah's nephew, afiee (i think that's his name) is so CUTE!!! cute gila uh! i carried him high to the air, play helicopter with him n powerbomb him on the cushion. suka sey dia. ketawa2. haha.. best2!!!
after: kuih pau in my mouth. hahahaha... xD
awhile later, we still could nt find the solution to dilah's lappy problem. susah sey! tgk sampai tk senonoh rambot topo n edy. stress sangat. HAHAHAHA!!!
so dilah said, "tkpela, hantar servis je. aku pn ada warranty." haha.. she didn't want to send for warranty in e 1st place coz it'll take about a week fr her lappy to be ok. bt we dun have any other choice so we need to go to wisma atria as that's where sony's repair place is. (:
so while waiting for dilah to siap2, afiee's elder brother, (i think syafiee is his name) woke up. apa lagi, tros abng djokoloro ajar camana nk buat horn's up nya sign.
n while we were standing around nk klua g wisma, afiee keep looking at us. cute sey dia cam nk g semayang pulak. haha
n those two are so photogenic! u guys just aim ur cameras at them n they'll instantly post. dua2 da besar cunfrm jadi model. haha.. n i love this pic the most: ^________^

dilah pn da siap n so it was bye bye afiee n syafiee!!!

n hello to train n g orchard! hahaha.. yg coolnya empat2 ekor suma pakai hitam. hoho.. memang jiwa la beb. baik punya! haha

we went to wisma n the person said it'll take a week for dilah's lappy to be ok again. so tkpela dilah, sabar je. aku pn dat time kena. lagi lama. haha.. after sending her laptop for servicing we went to far east to eat! yes! i think CarriE is the band that has the biggest, n i mean BIGGEST!!! appetite. haha.. although edy n topo is slim. they are the ones that eat alot. n we found interesting things in our food such as this egg shell in my fried rice.

as well as OKTO! logo at edy's hotplate. actually need one more line la to become OKTO! logo. haha
dilah pn da siap n so it was bye bye afiee n syafiee!!!
n hello to train n g orchard! hahaha.. yg coolnya empat2 ekor suma pakai hitam. hoho.. memang jiwa la beb. baik punya! haha
we went to wisma n the person said it'll take a week for dilah's lappy to be ok again. so tkpela dilah, sabar je. aku pn dat time kena. lagi lama. haha.. after sending her laptop for servicing we went to far east to eat! yes! i think CarriE is the band that has the biggest, n i mean BIGGEST!!! appetite. haha.. although edy n topo is slim. they are the ones that eat alot. n we found interesting things in our food such as this egg shell in my fried rice.
as well as OKTO! logo at edy's hotplate. actually need one more line la to become OKTO! logo. haha
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