death upon arrival II
last sat i went to a gig at odio crib. it was a hardcore gig la basically. haha.. n if some of u are wondering how i end up there, well, i was there to watch my friend perform as well as meet up friends which i didn't meet up for a very long time. n also coz i get free entry to the gig. weeeee!!! basically when the gig had already started i was abit lost. hahaha.. tk kenal ramai sgt org so berdiri satu corner n watch the bands perform. odio crib is a jamming place so basically IT IS SUPER HOT in there! n my clothes were wet! mcm jatoh dlm swimming pool gitu. hahaha..
zee monster n qianhui

edy, dilah n jimi hendrix. hahaha
joey jordison pn ada. hahaha.. actually ni fizzaye la, kwn aku. haha
baik ar ajir! headbang jgn tk headbang! haha

n somehow the guy in the above pic remind me of haliem. hahaha

edy n dilah were there too. dilah nk tgk 1 band ni perfrm, lupa lak band apa n also nk jumpa kwn2 lama dia. edy pula nk try out photography during gig n his photos rule! haha.. bt they left early as dilah tkleh balik lmbt. n tk ramai org sey headbang. ramai yg hardcore dance which i dunno how they do. hahaha.. luckily there's this one guy yg berdiri kt depan who was headbanging alone so apalagi, kenal tk kenal, pegi seblah dia, put my hand on his shoulder n headbang sama2! haha.. n my neck is still hurting as of rite now tpi gerek! (:
n below are some pics taken at the gig:
edy, dilah n jimi hendrix. hahaha
n the band below, obscure phoenix, maut woo!!! drg bwk lagu burning angel by arch enemy. fuiyo! power gedegah! the last time i saw them was 2 years ago kt slaugtherhouse massacre 1. dat time drg bwk lagu nemesis. seriously da mcm arch enemy la drg. hahaha.. baik punya band! \m/

on the next day went jamming with krisis at four tonnes. haha.. part paling kekek is time try lagu through the fire n flames with kai. HAHAHAHA!!! berterabuh nk mampos! may wasn't there as he had a family outing. kalo dia ada cnfrm kena kacao punya. n after jamm we hang out at the place ppl call Big Bird. haha..
antoo n jebat
aku mmng suka amik gmbr org bila drg tk ready. mcm best gitu tgk muka drg. klaka sey. haha
kai slap yg tgh lapar n muka mintk kena slap. hahaha
it was always fun hanging out with my friends, be it they are someone who's into music or not. lepak dgn kwn2 lain, the fun is lain2 too.
haha.. n thx for reading as always. tke cre! see u guys again. \m/
~some people are basically shitty
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