last wed we CarriE & our friend rizal watch friday the 13th! woohoo!!! akhirnya, tercapai jgk cita2 aku nk tgk the movie. hahaha.. basically the story is M18. bt well, kita suma da dua puluhan. da abang2 n kakak2. hahahaha.. so da lepas. the show is quite nice. bt nt as violent as their old films. tpi story line leh tahan la. haha.. pompuan2 dlm movienya pn leh tahan. xD. main2 je!!!

we watch it at the cathay coz it cost $6. cheap2! haha.. n once the movie starts, there is this one kental guy sitting behind us who would go "ARRR!!!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" "EEEEEEEEEE!!!" -______________-" super irritating!!! i feel like i wanna take the straw from my drink n cucuk his lobang hidong. da 18 still kental mcm tu. hampeh! n there was one very suspense part with the music n all. then i told rizal to just shout. n when rizal had shouted, the guy behind us went "AIYOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! padahal dlm movie tu pembunuhnya belom klua. super funny sia! basically me, rizal n topo were the bunch that is laughing in the theatre. aku tau la mcm rowdy gitu bt that guy serious shit is super funny. hahaha.. dilah n edy tgh concentrate tgk the movie bt aku rasa drg pn tkleh concentrate dgr kita ketawa2 n bebual2 dlm theatre tu. haha
as per normal, below are some pics taken on the day. enjoy!

CarriE take 1: aiseyman, belom ready rizal da snap

CarriE take 2: da swee2, topo tutup mata pulak!

CarriE take 3: ni da ok, bt dilah tgk tmpt lain n org blakang tu masok frame pula. haha

CarriE take 4: ar! ni swee!!!

ni adalah seorang mamat yg bernama rizal. yg rapat ngn kitorang. haha..

after the movie, me, rizal n topo lepak here. last year every friday we n some more friends from our class would lepak here ramai2. best sey. bila lah nk lepak lagi? aku rindu korng suma!

so after lepak we go home n sleep. hahaha
friday (1st MAY)
happy labour day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on that day me, topo, antoo n aris went jamming at beats. edy, dilah, syidah n adib were oso there too. hahaha.. n i forgot to learn the songs. haha.. tkpela, sembarang hentak je. x)

dan selepas jamm kita g makan! kt tong seng! tempat lepak dan tempat mkn kegemaran CarriE! so ya, below adala gmbr2. hahaha.. time mkn pn nk amik gmbr

edy jones bersamaan camera olympusnya! hahaha

syidah n me. syidah suka na delete gmbr2 dari siti fuji. grrr!!!

adib n antoo

dheelah n adib

ni adalah traffic light

so me, edy, dilah, syidah, antoo n two of his friends went to botanical gardens after tongseng. haha
ni adalah magic. tgk eh first2 syidah sorng2.

pling! aleh2 si antoo muncul. hahaha! k mepek!

ni dua adalah kwn antoo which i forgot their names. sorry! hahaha
it was a fun day on that day. haha.. berpeluh pn ada. it was also the first time i went to botanic garden mlm2. cool jgk sey. redup n panas at the same time. n after that we went home. n ur welcome syidah! uknowiknow oso. hehe
ok, till then, tke good cre everyone n thx for reading. papo! \m/
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