posting poster!
i've been going out everyday. so ya! this is the best time for me to update my blog since i'm nt going out today. woohoo!!! so let me start with last wed(11/11/2009). last wed i overnite at my 9 years of friendship/A.E.D crew, mr. kanapathy! wooo~! the purpose i overnite is so that he can finish his goddamn isp (it's like a final year project fr nafa students) coz he said it's boring to draw alot so i can go draw with him. but when i reach his home, his aunt n mum greeted me n i saw his art books as well as drawing blocks spread on the floor, with color pencils scattered everywhere. so i ask:
"where's kanapathy aunty?"
n she said "in the room."
n true enough he was playing facebook. -_____________-"
he draws then halfway play facebook. n draws again n then facebook again. when want to finish!!! aiyoyoyo!!!
but luckily he draw quite fast n i'm sure he can finish it by this coming tuesday. jiayo kana! \m/
so enjoy the pics below:
kana banana!
anyway, i'm quite satisfied with it n dun bother bout it much coz it's just an experiment. haha.. so on the next day i went out with kana to meet adik to take back my siti fuji coz i want to go to the...
it's been long since i went to a gig. n i'm craving for it! da lama tk exercise rambot, leher, tengkok, tangan n oso kaki so gig is the best place to do it! haha
me n shah. woo!
mercenarian performing. n when they started playing master of puppets, that's when i first started headbanging. at first i was like giddy2 coz da lama tk headbang but after finishing the first round, it was hyper n addictive! felt like an orgasm. lol. hahahaha.. n i did the 360 degree headspin yowww!!! bt later i botak already cnt do already la coz no more hair. shit. haha
Metalgunz! this band perform Cowboys From Hell from Pantera. fucking power la sia!!! that's my favourite Pantera song. wooo!!!!
siraj, muka stop it. haha
Thy Fallen Kingdom! it's the first time i watch this band perform n they're fucking power la dei. they moved the fucking crowd into a fucking frenzy n they fucking mosh. so sorry for so many fuck. hahaha
Metalheadz! shah's favourite band of the day! they're a Metallica tribute band n yesterday they performed Battery, Harvester Of Sorrow, Master Of Puppets, Creeping Death n... i forgot 1 more song. shit. haha
aleh2 tmpt gig da jadi mcm iman kindergarden! hahaha.. these kids came for the last band, F.I.N.E i tink. i didn't stay n watch them coz da lmbt n i'm hungry! hahaha
ni gig bagus! *two thumbs up* hahaha
all in all it was a fun gig yesterday. da lama da tk g gig mcm best gitu. haha.. so after the gig, i went back with siraj n shah to lavender mrt n parted ways coz they're taking train n i'm taking bus. reach home ate macaroni goreng n with a stiff neck went to sleep, wake up, g kedai, ate lunch n now i've finish updating my blog. weee!!! till then, see u guys again n tke gd care of urself. :D
when the time comes you should know what to do~ (:
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