a star has died
i was really sad by wat had happend. i'm sad coz i love my things n treasure them. n lagipun Starr has been through alot with me. she's the first pro mark drumsticks which i had n she has been by my side ever since CarriE was formed. she was also there for me in all of CarriE's 3 gigs. Starr is a ringo starr signature drumstick. n in case ur wondering who is ringo starr, well, he's the drummer for The Beatles. yes. The Beatles.
initially i don't see signs of her neck going off. she was perfectly fine when i jamm with Krisis yesterday. aftr jamming with them, i jammed with Mercenarian for awhile as maan plywood dtg lmbt. beh tgh syiok2 main wasted years i felt a bouncy2 feeling on my right hand beh tgk leher si Starr slowly fell down from her body. wah piang eh!!! so sad sia... f**k.
below are some pics of Starr when i had just bought her last year. n oso pics of me with her. oh how i miss kissing her n hugging her slim, slender n wooden body. its so nice n warm! tpi tu suma sudah menjadi hanya satu memori sahaja...

but alas, people say drumsticks comes n goes. 1 day u'll break it eventually. bt i WON'T BUY n DON'T WANT another ringo starr drumstick. yg sudah tu sudah. i know some of u might think that i'm crazy for posting abt my broken stick bt i'm the type who treasure my stuffs n treats them like they're my friend. well Starr, i promise u dat i will try to be a better drummer n learn new tricks n skills from my other drummer friends ok. rest in peace my friend. )":
n yesterday oso was like a mini gathering. met so many budak2 batu dan besi. da mcm ada gig pula. hahaha.. n below are some pics taken at krisis's n kai's-side-project-nya-band punya jamming as well as the esplanade where all of us hangout. enjoy!