Monday, February 15, 2010


before i start talking about this post, i just wanna say i have a new band. look at the pic above, the members are rizal (leftest) on harmonica, azmy (middlelest) on kompangs n triangles and me (rightest) on ukulele. our band name is Mouse not Muse ya. n we will be playing songs such as di tanjong katong, gali-gali-gali lobang, enjit-enjit semut and others. hahahahahahahaha

kk, cut the funsense. last sat, 13th Feb 2010, me n some frens went to azmy's sister's birthday chalet at east coast park. we're suppose to have picnic on that day with other classmates but, shit happens. haha.. luckily there's plan B. ^___^

so yeah there was only me, yaqin, bani, rizal n of course azmy who stayed overnight. haikal joined us later on. shah stayed for awhile then went back home. although there were only 6 people, we had alot to talk about. n i learn some new things too. power terima!!!

there's not much too talk about. just the usual stuff we do at chalet, sit down, eat n drink till stomach cannot take anymore, then talk crap till morning, take the first bus home n zzzzzzzzzz... haha.. enjoy the pictures below yo! ((:

background mcm org tgh rewang padahal chalet. haha

with bani!
da mcm kepak ayam da aku tgk ko azmy.
aik shah pn nk jadi ayam jgk? -__-

yeay! shah's n azmy's brothers! kepaks ayams! hahaha

rizal, mulut maintain. ngowo sak ko. haha

front from left to right: haikal, yaqin n bani.

back from left to right: azmy, rizal n me!

all in all i enjoyed saturday! hahaha.. walaupun aku tau tkya type aku enjoy it tapi akunya pasal la sia, blog aku. lu ada hal pe? hahahahaha

kkkkkkkkkkk, that's all for now. chow sinchi! ^___^


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June 27, 2018 at 5:25 PM  

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