finally! now i get to use the cpu as i am very busy. haha.. so ya abt this post, last sat i went to a gig known as Death Upon Arrival III which was organise by my friend, fizzaye motherchoot. haha.. the first DUA i got in for free coz i design the flyer, the second DUA i got in for free coz i design the tag, on sat, the third DUA i got in for free coz i look after the ticket counter. weee!!! free!!! hahaha
first if all, i would like to congrats fizzaye for being able to put up such a nice gig. it's one of the BESTEST gig in 2009. fucking awesome i tell u. i headbang like there's no tmw n i moshed till my slippers tore. no!!! my surfer's paradise slipper!!! bt nvrmind slipper tu pun da terok. n thx alot to ann of INCARNATION OF SETH coz teman aku g beli slipper $3 kaler hijau strikin kt kedai mama sebelah watson. haha.. all the bands were great n power gedegak! n i made some new frens too. some metalheads as well as deathcore kids. n i really would like to take this opportunity to announce that i befriend everyone of every fucking genre n subgenre. be it rockers, glamrock, metalheads, trash metal, black metal, deathcore, hardcore, metalcore, classical or even jazz, i befriend them all. so guys, don't go on hating each other coz in the end, it'll come to nothing. only fights n hatreds. bt if u guys still wanna hate each other, what can i say. that's ur life. kena whack outside dun call me. haha.. n u guys hate each other coz of the music that the other party listens. isn't that plain stupidity? n oso mostly kt gig is budak2 melayu. darah tetap sama merah, rambot tetap sama hitam. (unless korng dye kaler2 bodoh la. haha) so buat apa la korng nk benci2 with each other ni suma. buang karan! umur pun sekor2 lom cukup legal. tgk mcm aku, da 21. rilek je. ngn suma org aku campur. kan aman damai gitu. buduh!
so about the gig, some of the bands dun have enough time to perform all songs coz of time constraint, kesian sei tpi tkpla, there's always a next time yowww. basically idk wat to talk abt the gig coz it's really awesome. u guys shld be there to experience it. letak kt blog feeling dia lain. n oh ya there's alot of mosh n headbang going on, it was SUPERB! n i really miss the WALL OF DEATH. last time i experience it was in a metalcore gig. so to the bands who are reading this sentence, PLEASE MAKE A WALL OF DEATH NEXT TIME. :))
all in all i just wanna say i enjoy myself watching all the band's performance on sat. kudos to all the bands n everyone for making it happening! n i'm very tired. zzzzzzz
so, enjoy the pics yooowww!
me!!! no one took a pic of me so camwhore la lagi best. n look at zee's layu eyes. hahaha

INCARNATION OF SETH! there're original i tell u. maut la sia!!! u guys rule! \m/

NORESTFORTHEWEARY.(or dlm bahasa melayu, TIADAREHATUNTUKSIPENAT. haha) the drummer of this band, fizzaye motherchoot is the organiser of the gig. bt susah betol aku nk amik gmbr dia, asyik kena block jek. haiyo!

gentel azhar, gentel!
ASILENT! this band kicks major ass i tell u. they move the crowd la sia. power mcm power ranger! n the vocalist kdg2 buat mcm stand up comedy gitu. respect! hahaha

nat teh peng. di mana kamera ku berada, muka ni akan berada di situ. haha

all hail NAFRAT!!! \m/
syarmimimimilla! or nama gelaran, cik milla! hahaha.. main2 je. xD

thoth dari kumpulan SAITAN!

yes! dpt pn muka dia! fizzaye motherchoot. steam kapa boy. lol. haha

this is most probably one of the best drummer on the gig, the drummer from Wormrot. u kick ass man. respect!

zee, wani, a peace finger n two random ppl. hahaha


Thy Fallen Kingdom yowww!!! oh ya, if u guys can't get enough of TFK as they're set was super fast last sat, they will be performing alongside Mercenarian, Stillborn, Abysail n 1 more band i forgot wat. it's at L cube, 5th dec 2009, 5 bands n with a $5 tix price. suma 5. hahahaha.. g beli 4D pn cantik. anws, NURUL SYARMILLA, come down on that day n support all these bands (coz i know u'r a big fan of TFK) coz i'm sure as hell gonna come down too. n___n

gig ni gerekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!

friends yow!

Dante's Theory. aku nk simpan rambot mcm penyanyinya! panjang woo~


alrite, moving on to moshing, headbanging, hardocoredancing pics! enjoy n spot urselves. \m/
n that is azmy's younger brother in gray shirt! woohoo! haha
alrite that's all for now. i'l send some of the pics of guys tonight or maybe tmw. coz i'm super tired. anws, if you're from the band n want your band pics, do leave a comment at my tag board. bt nt alot i have la coz aku kena jaga pintu mah. hahaha.. kk, till then have a