the beginning of august
before i start let me tell u firstly that this post has two stories. Outing n Gig. so u want to read which one just read la. want to read both oso can. haha.. k best! let's start!

after eating we went to ion orchard. boring sak! besar memang lah besar bt boring sak! haha.. so we headed to vivo city! tmpat lepak aku, kana n arif. i oso dunno y the 3 of us like going there. n oh ya at ion bila nk masok ke kedai flash n splash terserempak ngn bani n kwn dia. beh da klua flash n splash terserempak lak ngn talissa n fad. haha.. da lama tk jumpa suma bila npk drg i feel so happy! *sambung frm 4 sentence ago* so we headed there bought some titbits, air, jalan2, gedebak gedebuk. told u already we have no aim on that day. haha.. then we lepak on top n main kad. tpi bukan judi lah. main game je.

my sticker at vivo city! ((:

kawan2, ni adalah papan!

rizal - matrep jadi-jadian. hahaha

edy G in da house yo! wassup ma hommie! haha

happy birthday midzi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

without minolta, life would be a mistake. hahahahaha

tiang tang tang!

lily, tlg cuci kasot ko. kasilah dia putih alik please. haha..

muka stop it lily!
so let's go! the name of the gig is RISE OF THE SKULL! don't ask me why the name is that. haha.. the gig was okie2 la. there were some great bands. especially that particular melodic black metal band. bt i'd forgotten what's the name. standard lah aku. haha.. initially i want to get myself a moshing picture bt sadly tkda. )': tkp, insyAllah nxt time ada. haha.. ke nxt time korng buat wall of death ke or buat circle pit ke. da lama aku da tk tgk wall of death n cirlce pit. last aku buat time nitec kt gashaus. best woo~!!! kalo dpt amik gmbr lagi sedap! slurp!!! tpi that time tkda camera so no pics. haha

ironchild bebeh! 
gentel mimin, gentel! ni pic dedicated to ko. haha

clap-clap! part 1

everybody say 'aah' - "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

lu rock! \m/ ni band maut jugak. hoho..


the lovely couple: from left - siraj n nat, n kai n zizi. may u guys kekal lama2. amin. ((:

ok, that's all the 'normal pic'. now it's play with light time! weee!!! enjoy these light playing pictures taken at the gig. spot ur faces!

headbang! bang-bang!

yeay-yeay-yeay-yeay! ahahaha

price of siti fuji - $399, price of gig ticket - $10, price of tina n nat muka sememek mcm nenek jual kerepek - PRICELESS! there are some things money can't buy. for eveything else, there's always a tailong in ur area. (:

to the bro wearing specs n gonna hail - hail bro! hail! hail amir! horns up bebeh! \m/

the girl beside antoo is self neck cracking. KERRAAKKK!!!! hahahaha

k, mana2 gmbr gig aku mesti ada muka dia ni. nanat the peanut. so, nat, i want to dedicate this picture specially to YOU! n all the best in ur O levels ya. belajar rajin2. ((:
1st august - OUTING:
on 1st august, me, dilah, edy, lily, rizal n midzi plan to meet up. bt we dunno where to go. so just meet up first, tu lagi penting. bt basically we have no aim of where to go that day. haha.. n so the day began with one word: PANAS TERIK! basically after i'd bathe i went out to plaza sing to meet edy tpi kan, bila kan, bila, bila kan, bila aku da smpai kt busstop aku tergerak hati tau nk check siti fuji. so i went to check on it n MAMAMIA! kosong dlmnya! i'd forgotten to put the battery in! n the battery was still at home charging! walao! so apalagi, patah balik. da start berpeloh alik. -_-"
so after taking the battery i took 65 n it was pack. n the people in it was also perspiring. makin berpeloh lah aku. -___________-" da smpai plaza sing alangkah happynya! udara segar dan nyaman! da tkda bau ketiak n peluh penumpang2 bus 65! hahahaha.. so meet edy n g jln2 jap beh npk fann wong n cheryl fox. tinggi pe dua-dua. haha.. so da puas jln we waited for the rest. suma da smpai satu perkara penting dlm otak kita suma. MAKAN! so apalagi pergi lah ke far east to sapedek. on the way to far east me n rizal cuci2 mata. best! lol.
n rizal da botak. tkp, sep akunya turn jack. haha.. below are basically us:
from left- edy, me, dilah, rizal, lily n midzi. n 1st august was also midzi's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GENG! sorry tk dpt kasi apape. haha
dilah the tembam
after eating we went to ion orchard. boring sak! besar memang lah besar bt boring sak! haha.. so we headed to vivo city! tmpat lepak aku, kana n arif. i oso dunno y the 3 of us like going there. n oh ya at ion bila nk masok ke kedai flash n splash terserempak ngn bani n kwn dia. beh da klua flash n splash terserempak lak ngn talissa n fad. haha.. da lama tk jumpa suma bila npk drg i feel so happy! *sambung frm 4 sentence ago* so we headed there bought some titbits, air, jalan2, gedebak gedebuk. told u already we have no aim on that day. haha.. then we lepak on top n main kad. tpi bukan judi lah. main game je.
on that day tk mendak tpi kan, aku rasa amat mendak skali bila aku tulis post ni. aku mendak coz kita tkda arah tujuan n tktau apa nk type. argh!!! $@^#!!! nvrmind, just enjoy the pics. hahaha
bunny tooth!
my sticker at vivo city! ((:
kawan2, ni adalah papan!
rizal - matrep jadi-jadian. hahaha
edy G in da house yo! wassup ma hommie! haha
happy birthday midzi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
without minolta, life would be a mistake. hahahahaha
tiang tang tang!
lily, tlg cuci kasot ko. kasilah dia putih alik please. haha..
muka stop it lily!
ok da tu je. cukup time balek. kan aku da ckp if tulis mendak. tpi kn sana gerek! hahaha.. kk chowz! see u all again nxt week! ^___^
2nd august - GIG:
the next day was a gig day! n to those who didn't know i was actually schedule to perform alongside antoo, mamad n a bassist. tpi si bassist tu paitao n kita da kesuntukan masa to practice so we back out. tpi tkpla, dpt masok free. insyAllah nxt time ada. haha
so let's go! the name of the gig is RISE OF THE SKULL! don't ask me why the name is that. haha.. the gig was okie2 la. there were some great bands. especially that particular melodic black metal band. bt i'd forgotten what's the name. standard lah aku. haha.. initially i want to get myself a moshing picture bt sadly tkda. )': tkp, insyAllah nxt time ada. haha.. ke nxt time korng buat wall of death ke or buat circle pit ke. da lama aku da tk tgk wall of death n cirlce pit. last aku buat time nitec kt gashaus. best woo~!!! kalo dpt amik gmbr lagi sedap! slurp!!! tpi that time tkda camera so no pics. haha
kk, back to the gig. all the bands was gerek gedegak and so without further talking, just enjoy the pics for that's all i have to say regarding the gig. haha.. oh ya, i got to try siraj's d40x. best woo!!! zoom muka orang dekat2. hahaha.. tu adalah amat best skali. tpi batteri dia siang2 da mati da. si antoonya d60 punya batteri pn mati da. the one left standing n clicking n flashing is my SITI FUJI! sayang u! smpai the next day leh still take pics. hahahahaha.. fujifilm beats all! \m/
kk, enjoy! haha
below is a pic of midnight rose. the 1st band to perform.
ironchild bebeh!
gentel mimin, gentel! ni pic dedicated to ko. haha
ni adalah seekor gitar bersamaan beberapa utas string.
clap-clap! part 1
everybody say 'aah' - "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
lu rock! \m/ ni band maut jugak. hoho..
YAMAHA is actually a short form for YANG MAHAL! hahaha
the lovely couple: from left - siraj n nat, n kai n zizi. may u guys kekal lama2. amin. ((:
ok, that's all the 'normal pic'. now it's play with light time! weee!!! enjoy these light playing pictures taken at the gig. spot ur faces!
clap-clap! part 2
headbang! bang-bang!
yeay-yeay-yeay-yeay! ahahaha
price of siti fuji - $399, price of gig ticket - $10, price of tina n nat muka sememek mcm nenek jual kerepek - PRICELESS! there are some things money can't buy. for eveything else, there's always a tailong in ur area. (:
to the bro wearing specs n gonna hail - hail bro! hail! hail amir! horns up bebeh! \m/
the girl beside antoo is self neck cracking. KERRAAKKK!!!! hahahaha
k, mana2 gmbr gig aku mesti ada muka dia ni. nanat the peanut. so, nat, i want to dedicate this picture specially to YOU! n all the best in ur O levels ya. belajar rajin2. ((:
go mamad! gentel! kegentelan mu amat menggentel skali. hahaha
when there's light, there's light playing! woo yeah!

k that's all for now. gotta wake up early later as there's something i need to do. no need to know what i must do. haha.. time check - 1.55am. 7 more hours to go. aiyo! n i'll pass the pics to u guys as soon as i'm free. if tk sabar g msg aku leh jumpa amik tros dari harddisk aku. hahaha.. k chowz! tke cre everyone. Assalamualaikum. (:
aku da jatuh hati pulak pada dia da...
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