Singapore Toy Games and Comic Convention 2009
finally the Singapore Toy Games and Comic Convention is back here again!
for the 2nd time here, there lots of booths n things to see. all but COMICS! cuma skit je kedai jual comic! WTH!!! last year byk sak!!! this year aku da save duit beh tk byk kedai comic. ): tpi tkpla i got myself lots of artworks frm great artist! ok abt the convention, its a 3 day event. from friday till sunday n me n my partner in crime, kana went on all 3 days. semangat pe! hahaha
before anything, just be caution that u may experience difficulty understanding the post coz its like tunggang terbalik coz i'll be telling abt wat i do on fri till sun. ok go!
(FRIDAY) ok before i start talking abt the convention, i just want to say: IT'S GREAT TO BE HITTING THE DRUMSET AGAIN!!! after so looonnnggg, i finally went jamming with homo n frens. also there was antoo n bushy. we play ikrar perwira, opera hidup, a tale that wasn't right, painkiller, lagi bla, bla bla...... hahaha
after jamming on last friday, i met amalinahaha n brought her to GnB comics at rochor center coz she haven't go there before n oso i want to buy a batman comic i've been eyeing but tkda. hampeh! ): bt nvrmind i alrdy got it on sat! so after that went to the convention with kana, amalinahaha n ayun patchouli naik lori kena langgar ngn keretapi. hahahaha... main2 je ayun! xD when we just reach the entrance, we saw MR. BRIAN BOLLAND!!! one of the artist who'll be signing autographs n selling his works at the convention. so apa lagi! amik gmbr uh! he's a dang good artist n one of the top in the comic industry. woohooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
(SATURDAY) n so after friday was over we went home n i met kana again at 10am on sat to do some art n after finishing it proceeded to the convention again coz we want to watch a live art demo by brian bolland as well as buy some stuffs there. oh ya i broke a record on sat for terserempak dgn kawan! i met 10 of them in 1 day! lol. 1st terserempak hailmi sarakid kt convention, 2nd terserempak rafi kt suntec jgk, 3rd terserempak marc pn kt suntec, 4th n 5th terserempak siraj n nat kt flash n splash, 6th on the way nk naik mrt city hall ke pasir ris terserempak ngn luayy, 7th n 8th terserempak ngn dominick chan n aliman kt pasir ris coz drg baru book out, beh 9th tgh otw nk jln ke aranda country club terserempak ngn may, pon kt pasir ris! dia tgh tunggu bus kt interchange, n lastly, 10th terserempak ngn bani! pasir ris jgk. woooo! new record beb! haha
went to pasir ris as it was shamsiah's n liting's birthday celebration at aranda country club. initially we didn't want to overnight bt main kad punya pasal ter-overnight jgk. hahaha..
(SUNDAY) n so after having a nap, woke up, bath, brush teeth, left the chalet n me kana were on our way to the convention, for the 3rd time. haha.. n syidah, aku da try tau $1.80 nasi ayam kt ananas yg ko ckp tu. sedap sei! (tktau its really sedap or aku tgh lapar dat time) haha.. either way, tu akan meng-encourage aku lebih untuk bukak kedai nasi ayam after NS! cheap n delicious!
so ya from pasir ris we went straight to suntec coz jinkun wanna go to the convention. haha.. n after that went to bugis with arif coz he wanted to buy some shirt. n there was band performance at bugis bt i was too sleepy to watch. bt bila da smpai rumah mata teros segar! n go draw n online! hahaha
ok, now abt the convention;
the convention this year is bigger but nt so better coz tk byk comic! bt, there were lots of artist, both local n international who were there to sell n showcase their artworks. n i saw wahid, a fren from deviantart. ironically, both of us nvr psot pics of us on D.A so we dunno how the other look like bt i saw one of his drawing from his D.A there n so tanya la dia. n it was really him! ^___^
also met some singaporean, indonesian as well as thailand artist who can draw super nice! n also artist from Gempak! (a malaysian comic) over the 3 day event i ended up with lots of thing n freebies but we'll get to there later. haha.. rite now enjoy the photos!
kana, mr. brian bolland n me! ni gmbr amat nostalgic skali. haha
this is amalinahaha with r2d2. cute sak. i think she can fit into the costume. hahahaha
some comic character with wolverine! eh salah, centre-parting n dun have beard, sideburn n moustache wolverine! haha
it's caricature time
tan eng huat, a malaysian artist who made a name for himself. this guy is super good. n if any of u read the Gempak! comic before, he's the artist known as kutu. cool!
kana n tan eng huat. kana got his comic signed by tan eng huat! baik kapa! hahaha
and he finished the drawing below in just a few seconds! baik siot! i still can't believe it. straightaway pakai pen with no mistakes. he drew it in front of all his fans at the con. this means i'll have to practice harder n draw nicely n super fast. hahaha
this is a cool bumblebee. (:
this is a hot bumblebee. ((:
n below is the guy who drew the woodworks on the upper pics. nice one man! if i'm rich i would've bought it bt i'm nt so forget it. hahaha.. n oso a design deck that some other guy drew. powerrr! (Y)
terminator T-800. cool!
the predator freesbie! just like the one in the movies, this freesbie can give off light, moving arnd it. fucking nice sia! fuck! i want it! hahaha.. k da, cukup maki2 tu. ishk!
masked ride bebeh!
a character from the watchmen! idk wats the name. haha
kana n batman! batman dia tembam sei, tk fit! haha

eeeeee! woooo! ooooooo! aaaaaaaaa!
i am robot

boncet alien! cool!!!

this is a really cool toy. if i'm nt wrong its designed by antz, a local artist. correct me if i'm wrong. (:

another terminator toy! this one kicks major ass!

brain drain! cool sia this sculpture
see that? it says 'to:azri' poweerrr!!! this is a drawing by michael chuah, from malaysia, he's also known as C2V in the gempak comics. \m/
remember the D.A friend i told u abt? wahid? i bought this ultra cool spunky funky postcards from him! also do check out his D.A gallery -

eeeeee! woooo! ooooooo! aaaaaaaaa!
i am robot
boncet alien! cool!!!
this is a really cool toy. if i'm nt wrong its designed by antz, a local artist. correct me if i'm wrong. (:
another terminator toy! this one kicks major ass!
brain drain! cool sia this sculpture
girl mintk no. bleh girl? hahahahahahahaha

maths was my favourite art class. haha

maths was my favourite art class. haha
see that? it says 'to:azri' poweerrr!!! this is a drawing by michael chuah, from malaysia, he's also known as C2V in the gempak comics. \m/
n lastly, these are things which i got n bought at the convention. there are comics, stickers, badges, postcards, art prints, design books n lots n lots of namecards! 40% of the things u see below are gotten for free! ((:
as much as i love drawing, i also love collecting n buying other people's artworks. if their artwork catches my eye i'll buy it straightaway. doesn't matter local or international, i'll support them all! bt must have enough money la. haha ^___^
n so with those sentence, i'll end my superest long post. got to get back to my drawings. haha.. n nowadays blog seems to have problems in posting. i just can't seem to upload a pic. dunno wat's happening to it. n oh ya if u chance upon an art market do tell me! i want to buy more artworks of other ppl. till then, tke cre everyone! Assalamualaikum! ((:
puasa nk dekat, puasa nk dekat! yessar!!!