Saturday, September 20, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
berbuka tanpa buka baju... ^____^
saturday, 13th sep: first up, henderson waves!!!!! haha.. i really love this place, if nt wrng its my 4th time going there n everytime i go there, i'll do different things everytime.. n last friday was break fast there. woohoo!!!
n for those who haven't visited his shop, u should coz there's so many antiques there.. n there's a whole bunch of super old cameras! ada yg lama gilanya model, ada yg polaroid, ada yg polar bear, ada yg polar express.. hehehe..
berpeloh siot nak g tmpat dia.. coz kita kena naik tangga tinggi, beh bulan posa pulak tu.. i went up rilek2 coz was afraid i might be super thirsty n da smpai atas sorng2 da mcm baru kelua dari sauna.. hahahaha..
n there u have it, that's all that i'd hope to share with u.. ((: after getting our stomach full we laze around n nyanyi2 lagu. haha.. nasib baik tk hujan. n before we went home kita singgah kt kdai kopi kat harboufront interchange jap coz aku nk main game.. haha.. sempat pulak tu..
2nd task was help take the periok of bubur from Masjid Wak Tanjong.
3rd task was to help pack the bubur in tupperware.
4th task was filling up drinks in plastic cups byk2 n serve them to the tables.
5th task was to eat during buka. my favourite task! hehe...
6th task was carrying the chair n stack them up super high n kemas2 sikit. ((:
this is my mother below: yg pakai headscarf tu.. ^___^
and after all that me n my mom n her frens n their children lepak kat bilik atas.. haha.. n i took a pic of their children, n i think these are their names.. frgt how to spell. hahaha.. :
Monday, September 8, 2008
fasting month! faster la! hahaha..
some of us will be facing alot of challenges but we have to always remember that whatever happened is a test to us.. it means we r a strong person coz if Tuhan tahu kita tk mampu untok mengahadapi cabaran tu, dia tk akan beri kita cabaran tu.. must be patience.. ((:
if cannot patient u go live in the jungle more better, no need to stress, everyday eat leaf, hunt animals, mandi at sungai.. hehehe.. xD joking only hor.. if u cannot take joke u oso can go live in the jungle.. hahahahahahaha!!!
n ystrday my fren edy guerrero viva la raza showed me a pic of a spider he save at his workplace.. the spider was helpless in the water so he carried it to dry it using a tongs coz he's geli of spider.. ((:
n here's the pic of the spider:

n while browsing my pics i remember this particular picture n i want to share it with all of u:

this was when i was 15, Sec 3.. ZAMAN KEKENTALAN KU... oh my! *takes a towel & cover my face.. hahaha!!! seriously, i'm super robot monkey team hyper force kental sey ni time.. haha.. okay, no need to see already, go view other ppl's blog.. hehehe..
n happy fasting! ((: n to NA, brsabar tau with all the challenges that ur currently facing.. u're a strong girl.. ok, bye-bye! \m/