well before i start, let me warn u that this is gonna be quite a long entry. haha.. k go!
last sat began with a wam morning. so warm till i woke up at 8.45am. haha.. went to take a shower, gosok gigi, mkn sarapan n tgk digimon pastu tgk jam dinding: "WOW! JAP LAGI DA GIG!" HAHAHAHAHA!!!
yeah, it was CarriE's last gig before me, edy n topo serve NS. haiyo! haha.. insyAllah after ns kita akan ada gig lagi. (: so yeah, on this gig, my mom, my nenek, my pakcik, my abang n her gf came down to watch CarriE perform. my mom tk abis tanya aku "mcmana adik main drum? adik tktau baca note" n the same answers keep coming out from my mouth, "adik hentam je" haha

on top is a pic of my nenek(on the left) n my mom(on the right). a lot of my friends didn't believe that that was my mom. haha.. drg ingtkn nenek aku is mak aku. apada! hahaha.. mak aku dulu rock chic. same goes to my pakcik, abng n arwah bapak aku. senang ckp 1 family pernah dgr/suka dengan rock. haha.. whenever i look at the old albums, there'll always be pictures of my late dad with his rare iron maiden shirts which can't be bought or seen nowadays and also pics of my mom with her rambot grondong. fuiyo!!! haha
and so about the gig, it was ok2 la. haha.. aku pn tktau asl tk ramai org dtg. most of the band that perform were our circle of friends. n aku tk byk amik gmbr on that day coz ntah eh. haha..
so when CarriE perform we were like ready to go. haha.. bt serious shit i cock up alot(shit!shit!shit!shit!shit!). ramai ckp "Ok pe ko main, baik sak." haha.. tapi aku yg main aku taulah. da lah cymbal seblah kanan bunyi mepek. pastu aku pn tktau asl left pedal aku tk dgr. ): mahligai manisnya kit lagi puas hati. hahaha.. simei jamming punya kit lagila sedap sound dia. so sapa yg tk dgr pedal aku maaf ye. nnti if kita jamm kt mana2 ko dgr lah pedal aku puas2. hahaha..
on some parts of our songs dilah tk dpt nyanyi coz her voice gave way. as some of u who may know her condition ya bt i'm proud of her as well as edy n topo who gave their all. bak kata org "biar main salah janji ko belajar dari kesalahan daripada ko takot untok buat salah". haha.. actually aku yg ckp lah tu line, tkda org yg ckp. xD
n i would also like to thank my family, haliejah, mimi, rid n adik sedara topo lagi satu for coming to support us as well our friends from budak2 rock n also shahril! drummer dari kumpulan xtech! haha.. n yes talissa, abng sedara ko tanya mana ko. hehe
all in all CarriE was satisfied with our performance but frankly i'm not. aku nk kit mahligai! tkp, insyAllah one day main lagi kt situ. hahahaha. n oh yeah i also played for Krisis. it was their last gig. they are a great bunch of musician as well as a great bunch of friends. tpi tkp walaupun da break, kita suma masih leh jumpa ya.
so yeah below are some pics at the gig. enjoy!
mimi, rid, haliejah, dilah n edy!

ini lampu. ^_______________________^

ini rid! screwfellow! haha.. bila mau lepak? haha

bersama adik aku, syarmilla!

gayship dgn kwn aku, kai sepak! hahaha!

group shot: me, syarmilla, alesha n nat

CarriE: thx to syarmilla for helping us take the pics!



me! rambot aku mcm girl-girl. hahahahahahahahahaha

yeay! kita ada 4 peminat. da mcm crita "ROCK" pula. haha!!!




kai n zizi;

me again! haha

group shot dalam bilik karaoke. n aku sorng je single dlm bilik tu. hahaha.. informasi tk perlu sak. haha

nat, model baru untok darlie! *smiles widely*

group shot yowww!!!

another group shot. haha

last one la! haha
so before i log off, i want to thank you to everyone who have been there for CarriE. all of u guy's encouragement n support really drive us to where we are now. although kita tk byk perform kt gig aku masih bersyukur kerana aku dapat berjumpa dan buat kawan2 baru. i really treasure my friendship with EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. even though u'r just a random guy who headbang beside me. haha
as for CarriE. i want to thank u guys from the bottom of my heart. if u guys are with me now, aku nk bearhug korng! if it weren't for u guys i wouldn't have had the times of my life, as a band or not as a band. dilah, edy n topo have been by me through my ups n downs. when i had a problem they were there to motivate me to become strong. when i had my happy times they were there to share the joy. i enjoyed CarriE's last gig n i hope 1 day, when we're free kita dpt main kt stage lagi. so yeah, below are some pics specially dedicated to CarriE.

i'll never forget these times. these were taken last year. when we just formed. kita lepak kt pasir ris park malam2. just the four us. and we were laughing all night long. sharing the happy n hard times as well as the joy n tears with u guys, now that's what i call a true friendship. mcm lagu malmsteen - like an angel u came to me n now i see the stranger in me is finally free... i'll never forget the sacrifices u guys have made for me. *serious aku mcm nk nangis by this time* i love u three! n yeah, kita empat-empat akan selalu sehati sejiwa, insyAllah. along, angah, su n adik. ((: well, that's all. thank you for reading. i love u all.
jom bukak kedai nasi ayam!!!