1st nine days of august
anyways, august 2008 was a super fun start!!! august was also a pasir ris month for me coz i went there for 4 times! 1st was on 31st july as i had to repair my ez link card there.. i know its on july bt nk dekat august per so i just count as august skali.. ((:
2nd aug 2008: i went out with my twinny, nuramalina faiz!!! well, she has alot of names actually, amal, ina, lina, ilyna, nana, amali, amma, ali, alina, mally, just to name a few... hehehe... i'll come up with some more names for u okay twinny? hehe..
well, basically what we did was just sit at pasir ris beach coz we didn't get to watch the mummy coz she came late.. haha.. but before we went to the beach she became my tour guide for downtown, e-hub & escape theme park and at 1st we thought of going to escape bt then she had to come be home by 7 n it was 6 plus at dat time.. but it's okay.. get to lepak with her made me happy already n i hope she had fun too. next time i'll be your tour guide for geylang okay? hehe..
n that's me holding a coconut! ((:
and we also took pics after pics.. well, it's mostly her who took.. and she's the 1st person who knows how to use my camera without me telling her what button to press.. (dasar photographer!) haha!!! and she also manage to show me some of my camera's function which i myself didn't know exist.. i know what u want to say, just keep it to yourself.. haha.. anw below are some of the pics which she took at pasir ris beach..
and below is the hornet which came to the place where we sit.. sempat pula si amal amik gambar hornet tu.. haha.. after she took the pic we walk2 around the beach, talk2, laugh2, take some more pics and then i walked her to her block n i went home.. although we only spent like 2 hours hanging out, it was the most happiest n super fun day of my life.. n i'll cherish that day.. next time kelua lagi ehk? ((:
3rd aug 2008: i was in pasir ris(again) but this time with my long time fren, Haresh Kumar! haha.. he wanted to watch the dark knight so we went to Eeeeeeeeee-hub to watch it. we oso talk about sec schl life n our life.. and we realise just how fast time flies.. pejam celik pejam celik, tau-tau da masok NS.. B O T A K!!! pastu dabis NS, keja, pastu khawin!!! woohoo!!! pastu jadi tua timang cucu. -___-" ahahs..
8th aug 2008: i went out with my frens.. jalan2 cari makan.. haha.. main2 je.. xD
i dunno wat to type for 8 aug leh.. hmm, well, me n my frens ate at food culture at century square n look at the overflowing sambal which i took.. nice kan? i took alot of sambal bt i didn't manage to finish it all.. )':
after eating we went to pasir ris park (see! told ya it was pasir ris month!) we went there to lepak n eratkan silaturahim among each other.. ((: and oh, 8 aug was a clumsy day for me;
in the morning: while sweeping the floor at my kitchen, i banged against the periok2 n sume jatoh
in the afternoon: tengah siap2 nk g solat jumaat botol bedak slip frm my hand, abis bedak terkeluar
in the night: i went down a hill beh tk sempat nk brake banged against my friend n we both fell down to the ground hard.. ground dia kasar2 cm road lak tu.. but i didn't have any injury.. ^___^ biasalah, kata badang kan.. haha!!!
we laugh at what happen although my fren suffered a minor cut. kita rockers, cedera sikit tkda pape.. ((: night came fast and we went home, laughing our asses off at what happen.. n we were still laughing inside the bus.. cm org gila.. haha.. n what happen on dat day is forever within our memories.. we had, fun, laughter n clumsiness.. haha!!! ((:

9th aug 2008: HAPPY 43RD BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!! it's NATIONAL DAY!!!!! calefare n first class was super funny! and oh, i need a new pencil box!!! look at my current one above.. once i unzip it, all the pen automatically come out.. -______-" sometimes want to zip to close it oso difficult.. haha.. i tink i'll just use a shoebox, senang sikit...
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